It always takes longer than you think

It always takes longer than you think

‘It always takes longer than you think it’s going to’. These were the words I uttered before jumping into the car for an 800 kilometre road trip. It wasn’t until we were about 200 kilometres into the drive that something dawned on me. It turns out that my comment...
Five style lessons I wish I’d learned sooner

Five style lessons I wish I’d learned sooner

I was reflecting on my personal style journey recently. Safe to say that it’s been a pretty wild ride and that my style lessons have been hard won. I was always interested in style. As a child I wanted to be a fashion designer ‘when I grew up’. I remember using reams...
Want to stop people-pleasing?

Want to stop people-pleasing?

A super-star coaching client of mine recently expressed two insights in the space of about seven minutes. And in doing so, she highlighted the emotional roller coaster that people-pleasers live on. First up, she shared how great she’d felt when she received some very...
Do you need to bring more life into your life?

Do you need to bring more life into your life?

Have you ever reached a point in your life where you’ve realised that you don’t have a life, you just have a job? This was certainly my experience. At around the time I turned forty, I assessed my life and realised  that I had an amazing career, but no life. I...
The many benefits of saying yes

The many benefits of saying yes

Despite their relatively small sizes, there are two words in the English language that can have a massive impact on our lives. Those words are ‘yes’ and ‘no’. So often, saying yes moves you nearer to reaching your full potential and living your best life. No –...

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