Is it time for you to upgrade?
In this episode, we’ll be defining what an upgrade is, how you might know that something in your life needs upgrading and looking at the two types of upgrades you might want to bring into your life. Oh, and if you’re wondering which pillar of my self-styled life...
Why I choose to work in corporate AND run a coaching practice
In this episode, we’re heading into a more personal space than we have on the podcast so far. I’m answering a question that has been coming my way a lot recently and that question is, “why do I choose to work in corporate AND run a coaching practice?” I share the five...
What I learned while launching the Self.Styled.Life podcast
Sometimes people assume that because you coach on self-doubt that you never feel it. But everyone feels self doubt on some level. It’s just as someone trained to support women with self-doubt, I recognise it when it shows up for me and I can coach myself through it....
Powerful personal branding with my guest Bec Sands
In my very first interview episode, the fabulous Bec Sands and I dig into all things personal branding, and how a strong personal brand can support women in corporate to reach their goals. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀If you haven't met her yet, Bec is a Personal Brand & Thought...
Five things you must know about taking action
In episode four of Self.Styled.Life we’re rounding out the third pillar in my signature framework for self-styling a life that’s fulfilled and fabulous. In previous episodes we’ve looked at clarity and mindset, which means that now, we’re ready to talk all things...
Why mindset matters
In this episode, we’re digging into the second pillar of my signature framework for living a self-styled life that’s fulfilled and fabulous, and that pillar is mindset. I chat about why mindset can be the biggest game changer for women and we’ll explore three mindsets...
The three things you have to be super clear on when self-styling your life
In this episode, we’re going to look at clarity and specifically the three areas you have to be super clear on when creating your own self-styled life. You will learn: The three areas you need to be super clear on when creating a self-styled lifeHow clarity is...
Introducing the self-styled life framework
In this episode, I dive deep into what I believe a self-styled life is, why it’s so important to for you to be in the driver's seat of your life, career, relationships - all the things - and the framework I created to support women to build a self-styled life after...
Introducing the self-styled life framework
Thank you so much for your support and feedback on the recent launch of the Self.Styled.Life podcast. I've been blown away by all of your comments and I'm so glad that the first couple of episodes have supported you in creating your self-styled life. In the very first...