Introducing the self-styled life framework

Introducing the self-styled life framework

Thank you so much for your support and feedback on the recent launch of the Self.Styled.Life podcast. I’ve been blown away by all of your comments and I’m so glad that the first couple of episodes have supported you in creating your self-styled life. In...
Watch your language

Watch your language

In my last journal entry, I wrote about the fact that we women are sophisticated meaning-makers. It also turns out that we’re fairly adept at using our language skills to tell ourselves stories. I was reminded of this last week when I met with a wonderful coaching...
The self-doubt loop and how to break it

The self-doubt loop and how to break it

I’m hosting a free Building Boundaries masterclass next weekend. Like all my free masterclasses, it will be fun and informative. But here’s something I know for sure. A whole lot of women who could get a whole stack of benefit out of joining me won’t be...
The less obvious places self-doubt shows up

The less obvious places self-doubt shows up

One of my clients gave me a beautiful compliment recently. “I’d love it if one of my friends could work with you,” she shared. “But this friend doesn’t work in corporate”. It’s always the nicest thing when my clients think I’d be able to support others in their...
Have you heard about the ‘And Strategy’?

Have you heard about the ‘And Strategy’?

Here’s a question for you…Do you hold yourself back by thinking that you have to choose between all the things you want in life? Trust me, you’re not alone if you answered yes to that question. I see it…All. Of. The. Time. In my colleagues, in my clients, in fellow...

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