I’m super excited about today’s episode. Why? Because we’ll be digging into why it’s important to know yourself. And I’ll be introducing three of my favourite tools to help you shine.
Having an idea of how you’re wired and what your preferences are is fundamental to self-styling your life. You see, whilst we like to think we can control others through our words, actions and behaviours, the truth is the only thing we can control are ourselves. And the better we understand our own make-up and conditioning, the easier it is to make sense of and tailor our own responses, reactions, behaviours and patterns.
Knowing yourself also helps us to stop following the herd and inspires us to bring things into our lives that suit us and work well for us. These things can be everything from work opportunities to hobbies all the way through to how we spend our vacation time. And when things are working well for us, everything feels easier, more natural and way more fulfilling.
So in this episode, I’m sharing three of my favourite tools to help you to get to know yourself better. We’ll explore:
- Discovering your unique Human Design
- Using a strengths finder
- Learning about your Personality Type
Listen to the episode here, or on your favourite podcast player.
And here are the links to the ‘know yourself’ tools I mentioned in the episode:
If you’re after a Human Design chart check out https://www.catskreiner.com/chart
Personality type – 16personalities.com
Strengths finder – https://www.viacharacter.org/Account/Register or https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/home.aspx
Get your free workbook ‘Permission Granted: Foundation exercises for building your self-styled life’ https://www.janellewehsack.com/free-resources/
Book your zero-cost Streamlined Strategy callhttps://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16605569
Connect on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/janelle.wehsack/
I really hope this episode and all of the tools help you to get to know yourself a whole lot more.
I’ll be back soon with another episode of Self.Styled.Life. But until then, stay fabulous xx